The Dubai Heritage Village Everything You Need To Know

Heritage Village Dubai rose to fame in 1997. This portion of the inheritance was constructed to showcase daily living and conduct events in Dubai. This village, which allows visitors to see the historic homes, is owned by the Dubai Culture & Arts Authority. Tourists would also be able to learn more about the local wildlife and water creatures. Heritage Village is a working museum where regional artisans display their work and respond to inquiries from visitors. Some of the most well-known artisans who still use traditional techniques to create ceramics are potatoes. Even weavers receive excellent service and are able to deliver products like teapots and tapestries. Every craftsperson in this region uses techniques that date back hundreds or even millennia.

Heritage is a mountain village that has been meticulously reconstructed to show visitors what life was like in traditional Emirati villages. The settlement, which is almost three thousand years old, is located in Hatta, in the heart of the Al Hajar Mountains, in a magnificently renovated setting. The connecting points in the rural area are a collection of fields arranged around a freshwater canal, charming eateries, and an ancient cemetery.